Pluie d’étoiles pour Marithé et François Girbaud !
Gotta give it to the fair half of that creative couple though;
Marithé is such a gracious name!
Amalgamating Marie and Thé - two very good things indeed!
Now THAT's my cup of tea!
Congrats and kudos, both, to Marithé's parents!
Add cheers to that too!
Jeers to that Girbaud guy who took you away from them, though!
(If only in a creative partnership, thus not consummated, quite obviously...!)
And the same to those male models he uses!!!
In blasphemous poses to boot - the jerk!
Yeah, I know;
for all I know, it could have well been MARITHÉ's IDEA in the first place!!!
It is, most probably, the prerogative of a MARITHÉ indeed;
one with such an original name can and shall do as she pleases...!
For a time...