Saturday, May 11, 2019

Music To My Ears

What A Luxury It Is, Indeed, To Have 
All The Music In The World 
At Your Fingertips...!  

And That Is Exactly The Feeling 
That You Have... With Deezer 

(Yeah, Okay - Sometimes We Will Use 
Jango... Or Shazam! 
But It Is Extremely Rare - You'll See!) 

Yes - Deezer invites thee to give the old 
"thumbs up/thumbs down" treatment 
to a bunch of unknown artists 
that we get to discover through it...! 
Thank you so much for making us feel 
like GOD there, Deezer...!? 

False Messiah type here... EH? 
Another category of luxury; Yogi! 
Guess what I gave him...

Oops - almost forgot two other sources of tunes: 
Soundcloud... and Spotify! 

Never judge a track by its jacket, but... 

Nice backside there... Hollaback Grrls! 

And if you want to listen for yourselves 
- to any or all of these tracks - 
just log on to *your

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